新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus / new strain of coronavirus
呼吸道疾病 respiratory diseases
禽流感病毒 avian influenza virus
密切接触者 close contacts
潜伏期 incubation period
疑似病例 suspected case
确诊病例 confirmed case
得肺炎 get/catch pneumonia
接受医学观察 under medical observation
流行病学调查 epidemiological investigation
病毒爆发 virus outbreak
遏制疫情爆发 contain the outbreak
严格隔离政策 strict isolation policy
携带病毒 carrying the virus
级传染源 superspreader
医疗费用报销 reimbursement for medical expenses
中国大部分地区口罩供应紧张 tight supplies in large areas of China 人传人 human-to-human transmission
医务人员感染 infection of medical worker
2. 冠状病毒症状Coronavirus symptomsThe viruses can make people sick, usually with a mild to moderate upper respiratory tract (上呼吸道) illness, similar to a common cold. For those with a weakened immune system, the elderly and the very young, there's a chance the virus could cause a lower, and much more serious, respiratory tract illness like a pneumonia (肺炎) or bronchitis (支气管炎).There are a handful of human coronaviruses that are known to be deadly (致命的), such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome).The Wuhan coronavirus is currently thought to be more mild than SARS and MERS and takes longer to develop symptoms. Patients to date have typically experienced a mild cough for a week followed by shortness of breath (呼吸急促). So far, around 15% to 20% of cases have become severe, requiring, for example, ventilation in the hospital.
3. 传播途径How it spreadsViruses can spread from human contact (接触) with animals.When it comes to human-to-human transmission (传播,名词) of the viruses, often it happens when someone comes into contact with an infected person's secretions (分泌物), such as droplets (小水滴,飞沫) in a cough.Depending on how virulent the virus is, a cough, sneeze or handshake could causeexposure (暴露,接触). The virus can also be transmitted by touching something an infected person has touched and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.
4. 感染人群Who is affected?MERS, SARS and the Wuhan coronavirus appear to cause more severe disease in older people, though uncertainty remains around the latest outbreak (爆发). Of the cases of Wuhan coronavirus reported so far, none are yet confirmed to be among children. The average age is people 40 or over.
5. 冠状病毒感染的治疗Coronavirus treatmentThere is no specific treatment, but research is underway. Most of the time, symptoms willgo away on their own (自行消失) and experts advise seeking care early. If symptoms feel worse than a standard cold, see your doctor.Doctors can relieve (缓解) symptoms by prescribing (开处方) a pain or fever medication.
6. 武汉新型冠状病毒严重程度Should you worry about the Wuhan coronavirus?The Wuhan coronavirus fatality rate (致死率) is lower than for SARS and MERS, but stillcomparable (相当) to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic (大流行病). The fatality rate is likely to be lower due to an "iceberg" of milder cases we are yet to find.
7. 如何预防
How can you can prevent it?You may be able to reduce your risk of infection (感染) by avoiding people who are sick. Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Wash your hands often with soap and water and for at least 20 seconds.Awareness is key. If you are sick and have reason to believe it may be the Wuhan coronavirus due to travel to the region or coming into contact with someone who has been there, you should let a health care provider know and seek treatment early.Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and disinfect (消毒) the objects and surfaces you touch.