•上财---中国历史较为悠久的高等财经学府 , “厚德博学、经济匡时”之校训,励精图治,奋发进取的精神及发展理念,上财学生的内敛稳重都深深烙在我心中,实事求是,务实、勤奋,进入梦寐以求的上海财大,能够成为上财的学子,将是我一生的骄傲。
•I’m a student of XXX, hoping to study at Hong Kong University. I’m going to introduce myself and reasons for the choice as follow.
•Above all, the strength is one of the major aspects to encourage me to apply for HK University. The self-control, extensive social skill, high sense of responsibility, strong organization ability is what I acquired from my high school.